Paula is solidly tackling the garden. I have been moving many many wheelbarrows of rocks and old concrete edging . We had a machine in to rip out some plants which had incredible root systems. Here she is in January hard at work
The Snowdrops were the first to appear in February/March
Then the Crocuses came along in March - these are taken in the Forres park
In April (some say 1 month earlier than normal due to the mild Winter) came the Daffodils and what a display!
Our front garden
In our little wood
There is a bank along the road which is renowned for it's wild Primroses. Primroses have not been so profuse this years and
one must look quite carefully, but they are special
Paula's horses have settled in and they will soon to be able to spend the nights out of doors, once it gets a bit warmer.